News Room

  • Recently another huge data breach has made news headlines. On September 7, 2017 Equifax – one of America’s largest credit reporting agencies – announced that they were a victim of hackers and a resulting data breach. This breach left 143 million American’s data at risk. The breach lasted from May to...

  • It can be intimidating getting into the mortgage pre-approval game – here’s how. Obtaining mortgage pre-approval is an intimidating process, and typically it’s challenging to know what to expect before you jump in. Being pre-approved for a home mortgage loan tells sellers and realtors that you’re...

  • There’s often a lot of confusion around what a “good” credit score is when you’re trying to purchase a home. Whether it’s your first home, or just the first home you’re buying after a poor financial situation, Redondo Mortgage Center wants you to walk into the bank feeling confident and cool. Here a...

  • As the economy recovers from the 2008 housing crash, lots of people are emerging with a less than desirable credit situation on their hands. Here are some by-the-numbers guidelines of when and how to obtain a new mortgage and, as a result, repair your credit and heal yourself both financially and em...

  • Determine which mortgage is right for your financial situation. There are a few mortgage options out there to choose from, each with its own nuances. Understanding the benefits of each and making a decision regarding which is correct for your situation can be a challenging task....

  • Going through bankruptcy can often be one of the most daunting events to experience and in most cases it's unavoidable. Whether you've been declared bankrupt through a court order or by your own choice, you'll be happy to hear that this doesn't mean the end of the road for your financial stability.....

Talk to your Redondo Beach Mortgage loan officer to clarify what qualifies as a condo and which loan program may best meet your needs.